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Text File  |  1984-10-01  |  18KB  |  42 lines

  1. commentary,editorial,IBM,vocabulary,press release,announcement   J. Crone                                     UP FRONT - "Stalking the Wild Press Release"                     PC Age  84/04 Apr v.3.4             2Commentary on press releases and announcements, and IBM's "own   vocabulary" (e.g., cluster, fixed disk, etc.).                                                                                    
  2. help,Q&A,printer,disk,micro-directory                                                                         ROUNDTABLE                                                       PC Age  84/04 Apr v.3.4             8Procedure for printing your own disk "micro-directories"                                                                                                                                           
  3. BASIC,graphics,pie chart,plot,color                              C. Both                                      "Easy As Pie"                                                    PC Age  84/04 Apr v.3.4            17Program listing (BASICA) for creating pie charts.                                                                                                                                                  
  4. BASIC,sunrise,sunset,time,declination                            C. Both                                      "Solar Predictions"                                              PC Age  84/04 Apr v.3.4            18Program listing (BASIC) for finding the declination of the sun,  sunrise and sunset times, etc., for any point in the continental U.S.                                                             
  5. DOSCALL,BASIC,DOS 2.0,assembly,tutorial                          D. Rollins                                   "DOSCALL From BASIC"                                             PC Age  84/04 Apr v.3.4            22Commentary on the significance of DOS 2.0 over 1.1 plus a listingfor program DOSCALL---for taking advantage of the DOS command    mode without exiting from BASIC.                                 
  6. DR Logo,Digital Research,PC Logo,Harvard,IBM Logo,review,turtle  L. E. Zeitz                                  "Turtle Hunting with the PC"                                     PC Age  84/04 Apr v.3.4            34Review of three Logo products: IBM Logo, DR Logo (by Digital     Research), and PC Logo (by Harvard Associates).                                                                                   
  7. Daisywriter 2000,printer,Computers International,LQP,review      C. Segura                                    "The Daisywriter 2000 in a Nutshell"                             PC Age  84/04 Apr v.3.4            44Review of the Daisywriter 2000 letter quality printer (Computers International, Inc.).                                                                                                             
  8. Turbo Pascal,Borland International,review                        C. Segura                                    "A Pascal Compiler for the Rest of Us"                           PC Age  84/04 Apr v.3.4            51Review of Turbo Pascal (by Borland International).                                                                                                                                                 
  9. Colby Keyboard,review,portable,compatible                        J. H. Carmichael                             "Colby's Keyboard for the PC"                                    PC Age  84/04 Apr v.3.4            59Review of the Colby Keyboard (Colby Research Industries).                                                                                                                                          
  10. Personal Editor,PE,review,word processor,IBM                     D. W. Topham                                 "Personal Editor: A `User Designable' Word Processing Program"   PC Age  84/04 Apr v.3.4            65Review of Personal Editor (by IBM).                                                                                                                                                                
  11. Word Proof,IBM,speller,thesaurus,anagram,review                  D. W. Topham                                 "Word Proof"                                                     PC Age  84/04 Apr v.3.4            70Review of Word Proof (by IBM), a speller, thesaurus, and         "anagram-finder".                                                                                                                 
  12. Autocode 1,dBASE II,DBM,utility,review,code generator,Johnson    C. Segura                                    "A dBASE II Code Generator for Non-Programmers"                  PC Age  84/04 Apr v.3.4            73Review of Autocode 1 (by Axel Johnson Corp)., a code generator   for dBASE II.                                                                                                                     
  13. Friday!,Ashton-Tate,DBM,dBASE II,review                          J. Creane                                    "Friday!: Ashton-Tate's dBASE IIjr"                              PC Age  84/04 Apr v.3.4            78Review of Friday! (by Ashton-Tate), a simple database file man-  agement program.                                                                                                                  
  14. descriptive,statistics,math,technical,tutorial                   B. P. Douglass                               BRUCE'S BRAIN - "Elementary Descriptive Statistics"              PC Age  84/04 Apr v.3.4            86Tutorial on descriptive statistics---methods for describing      statistical data (e.g., mean, median, mode, variance, skewness,  kurtosis, standard deviation, etc.).                             
  15. Professional Editor,SPF/PC,Micro/SPF,Phaser,Rogue River,review   D. George                                    "Three Editors With An IBM Flavor"                               PC Age  84/04 Apr v.3.4            97Second of two articles continuing the review of: SPF/PC (by RogueRiver Software), Micro/SPF (by Phaser Systems), and Professional Editor (by IBM).                                                 
  16. IBM Portable PC,Cluster Program,network,PC/IX                    R. Embry                                     OUT OF THE BLUE - "IBM News"                                     PC Age  84/04 Apr v.3.4           103Description of recently announced IBM products: Portable PC,     The Cluster Program, The Personal Computer Interactive Execu-    tive (PC/IX).                                                    
  17. help,bug,correction,8087                                                                                      "Correction to `Alternative 8087 Programming', February"         PC Age  84/04 Apr v.3.4           103Correction to listing: "Alternative 8087 Programming", PC Age    Volume 3.2 (February 1984).                                                                                                       
  18. assembly,8087,chip,puzzle,tutorial,8089,82720,82730              D. Rollins                                   ASSEMBLY LINE - "8087 Programming Tricks"                        PC Age  84/04 Apr v.3.4           104Discussion of some new chips to come and a tutorial on the 8087  chip, including some programming ideas.  Puzzle #8 is given.     List of 8087 support software also provided.                     
  19. 8087,chip,Abstat,Float87,Matrixpak,book                          J. Creane                                    CHOMPING AT THE BITS - "8087---Seeing the Light"                 PC Age  84/04 Apr v.3.4           110A potpourri of 8087 items including: Abstat, Float87, Matrixpak, and a book list.                                                                                                                  
  20. club,user group,debut                                            J. H. Carmichael                             CLUB CONNECTIONS - "Highlighting Special Needs and Interests.....PC Age  84/04 Apr v.3.4           114....of Club Members".   Debut article outlining what this column hopes to represent in the future.                                                                                                 
  21. dialog,Norton,Crone,device driver,segment,register,window,mouse  J. Crone and P. Norton                       ASK JACK AND PETER                                               PC Age  84/04 Apr v.3.4           1281)Segments, registers, and the sample device driver of DOS 2.0,  2)Lotus, Microsoft, and the future of windows, 3)The future of   mice.                                                            
  22. editorial,commentary,Capital Data Systems,disk,marketing         J. Crone                                     UP FRONT - "A Radical Computer Approach: Progress Through........PC Age  84/05 May v.3.5             2....Simplicity".  Discussion of Capital Data Systems approach to selling diskettes: They offer one disk that works double, single,flippy, .....(but not hard sectored).                            
  23. STATUS87.EXE,assembly,8087,DEBUG,customize,stack,register,status D. Rollins                                   "Modify DEBUG to Support the 8087 Chip"                          PC Age  84/05 May v.3.5            15STATUS87.EXE program (assembly) listed for customizing DEBUG to  examine the status and stack registers of the 8087 chip.                                                                          
  24. club,user group,NYACC,PC/Blue Library,public domain,free,softwareJ. Creane                                    "More Public Domain Software"                                    PC Age  84/05 May v.3.5            22Latest additions to the NY Amateur Computer Club (PC/Blue) Li-   brary of public domain software is listed.                                                                                        
  25. BASIC,MAKEMEMO,SHOWMEMO,tickler,message,boot,IPL,date,reminder   C. Gabriel                                   "Tickler Keeps You Up to Date"                                   PC Age  84/05 May v.3.5            35Two BASIC programs (MAKEMEMO and SHOWMEMO) for displaying what   the author calls "tickler" messages are given---messages that aredisplayed at appropriate dates when you boot up the system.      
  26. word processor,Word,Microsoft,review,cover story                 J. Crone                                     "Microsoft's Word: Two Views"                                    PC Age  84/05 May v.3.5            46Cover story for two (contrasting) reviews of the word processor  Word (by Microsoft).                                                                                                              
  27. word processor,Word,Microsoft,review                             L. Harvey                                    "Word: Bouquets for a Versatile Document Handler"                PC Age  84/05 May v.3.5            47Review of the word processor called Word (by Microsoft).                                                                                                                                           
  28. word processor,Word,Microsoft,review,insert                      S. King                                      "Word: Brickbats for a Difficult-to-Learn Word Processor"        PC Age  84/05 May v.3.5            47Review of the word processor called Word (by Microsoft).         [Also, an insert (on p.78) entitled "Writing a letter with Word"]                                                                 
  29. Condor 20,DBM,relational,review,insert                           G. S. Owen                                   "Condor 20, A Relational Database Management System"             PC Age  84/05 May v.3.5            54Review of the relational database management system called       Condor 20 (by Condor Computer Corp.).  [Also, an insert entitled "With Databases, it's NOT Always Relational"].                   
  30. relational,DBM,file manager,tutorial,insert                      G. S. Owen                                   "With Databases, it's NOT Always Relational"                     PC Age  84/05 May v.3.5            58Insert in "Condor 20, A Relational Database Management System" bythe author, this article gives a short tutorial on relational    DBMSs and what are called "file managers".                       
  31. Juki Model 6100 Printer,review,daisywheel,insert                 J. Crone                                     "Juki's Daisywheel Printer: A Good Buy"                          PC Age  84/05 May v.3.5            62Review of the Juki Model 6100 Printer (by Juki Industries of     America).  [Also, an insert entitled "How Laser Printers Work:   We Lied"].                                                       
  32. laser printer,typo,correction                                    C. Segura                                    "How Laser Printers Work: We Lied"                               PC Age  84/05 May v.3.5            66Insert in "Juki's Daisywheel Printer: A Good Buy" by J. Crone,   this article "corrects" statements made in a previous article    (see PC Age, Volume 3.2, February 1984).                         
  33. Compaq Portable Computer,compatible,review                       N. Ford                                      "A Heavyweight Contender"                                        PC Age  84/05 May v.3.5            70Review of the Compaq Portable Computer.                                                                                                                                                            
  34. CataList,Automation Consult.,file manager,word processor,review  C. Segura                                    "CataList: List Manager to the World"                            PC Age  84/05 May v.3.5            74Review of CataList (by Automation Consultants International), a  list and file manager that "provides a means to use the data     files generated with many word processors".                      
  35. word processor,Word,Microsoft,tutorial,insert                    S. King                                      "Writing a letter with Word"                                     PC Age  84/05 May v.3.5            78Insert in "Word: Brickbats for a Difficult-to-Learn Word Pro-    cessor" by the author (on p.47), this article "illustrates two   approaches to writing a letter with Word".                       
  36. inferential,statistics,math,technical,tutorial                   B. P. Douglass                               BRUCE'S BRAIN - "Inferential Statistics"                         PC Age  84/05 May v.3.5            86Tutorial on inferential statistics---methods for obtaining "some-thing about a larger population given that we measured only a    small portion of that population".                               
  37. assembly,PASSWORD,PWORD,device driver,protect,tutorial,Ctrl-BreakD. Rollins                                   ASSEMBLY LINE - "Password Protection in Assembler"               PC Age  84/05 May v.3.5            92DOS 2.0 update of a previous article (PC Age, v.2.4, Apr 83).    Password protection code using installable device (PWORD.SYS)    driver (PASSWORD.ASY)---to disable Ctrl-Alt-Del and Ctrl-Break.  
  38. SIGSTAT,Statgraphics.PC,Financial and Statistical Library,review J. Creane                                    CHOMPING AT THE BITS - "Three Statistical Analysis Packages"     PC Age  84/05 May v.3.5           100Review of the statistical analysis packages: SIGSTAT (SignificantStatistics), Financial and Statistical Library (STSC, Inc.), and Statgraphics.PC (Statistical Graphics Corp.).                    
  39. language,assembly,FORTRAN,COBOL,PL/I,Pascal,Modula-2             W. Lewis                                     SPEAKING IN TONGUES - "Comparing the Modern Languages"           PC Age  84/05 May v.3.5           110Second in a series of articles on languages (see PC Age, v.3.3,  Mar 84).  This month: Assembly, FORTRAN, COBOL, PL/I, Pascal, andModula-2.                                                        
  40. dialog,Norton,Crone,bug,typo,BASIC,manual,keyboard,do-it-yourselfJ. Crone and P. Norton                       ASK JACK AND PETER                                               PC Age  84/05 May v.3.5           1281)Errors (typos) in various versions of the BASIC manuals are    discussed (along with other idiosyncrasies in documentation),    2)Do-it-yourself keyboard fixing is revisited.                   
  41. letter quality printer,LQP,tutorial                              C. Segura                                    "Letter-Quality Printers"                                        PC Age  84/04 Apr v.3.4            42Primer (tutorial) on letter quality printers (LQP)---"a consider-ation of type-quality, speed and price".                                                                                          
  42. \                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       \